COVID-19: The Big Three for Wellness
There is a growing body of research demonstrating the critical importance of lifestyle intervention such as exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness/balance to mitigate the risk and impacts of COVID-19 both physically and psychologically. This is critical for physician wellness; however, they are also an important tool with which to educate and counsel our patients. This 30-minute session provides an overview of the literature and personal experiences of physicians participating in the live Forum.
This activity will not include discussions of products or devices that are not currently approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the curriculum clearly indicates this fact.
Learners must register to participate in and receive credit for this online educational activity. Read the target audience, learning objectives, and author disclosures. Study the educational content online, answer the questions and complete the evaluation. For information on applicability and acceptance of continuing education credit for this activity, please consult your professional licensing board.
CAFP policy and California state law requires that each learning activity including a patient care element address the topic of cultural and linguistic competency. This activity meets this requirement.
Equitable and Inclusive Curriculum
CAFP requests all faculty to present content that uses inclusive language to guide care for all our diverse patients.
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The CAFP has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that information contained herein is accurate in accordance with the latest available scientific knowledge at the time of accreditation of this continuing education program. Information regarding drugs (e.g., their administration, dosages, contraindications, adverse reactions, interactions, special warnings, and precautions) and drug delivery systems is subject to change, however, and the learner is advised to check the manufacturer's package insert for information concerning recommended dosage and potential problems or cautions prior to dispensing or administering the drug or using the drug delivery systems.
Approval of credit for this continuing education program does not imply endorsement by CAFP of any product or manufacturer identified.
Any medications or treatment methods suggested in this CME activity should not be used by the practitioner without evaluation of their patient's condition(s) and possible contraindication(s) or danger(s) of use of any specific medication.
© 2020 California Academy of Family Physicians. All rights reserved. No part of this activity may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embedded in articles or reviews.
Target Audience
This activity is designed for family medicine physicians and other primary care team members.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session, participants should be able to:
- Identify evidence-based lifestyle interventions to combat COVID-19, personally, professionally and medically
- Feel empowered to educate patients regarding the importance of lifestyle in the setting of COVID-19
- Identify and adopt personal lifestyle interventions to maintain personal and professional wellness
Alex M. McDonald, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP
Family Physician
Clinical Professor, Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine
Kaiser Permanente, Fontana
Fontana, CA
Alex McDonald MD, CAQSM, FAAFP is a family physician, sports medicine specialist, researcher and thought leader in the fields of physical activity, physician advocacy as well as health equity and policy. Dr. McDonald holds a BA from Connecticut College as well as his medical Degree of the University of Vermont Larnar College of Medicine. He completed his medical internship at Duke University, family medicine residency and sports medicine fellowship at Southern California Kaiser Permanente Fontana, CA.
Dr. McDonald is currently a member of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG) in Fontana, CA where he is involved with family medicine resident and sports fellow graduate medical education. He is a clinical professor at the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine and serves on the board of the San Bernardino County Medical society, California Academy of Family Physician New Physician Board member, SCPMG Government Relations Committee as well as Alternate Delegate of the California Medical Association House of Delegates. Dr. McDonald is also a member of the California Academy of Family Physician Legislative Affairs Committee. He is the immediate past Chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference in Kansas City, MO as well as presided as Chair over the Resident and Student Congress. Dr. McDonald also served the American Academy of Family Physicians Commission on Education as well as Delegate to the Congress of Delegates. He is an active member of the American College of Sports Medicine as well as American Society for Sports Medicine. Furthermore, he is an advisor to the newly created Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine as well as served on the School’s LCME Executive Self Study Taskforce.
He serves as the team physician for the California State University of San Bernardino and Upland High School.
Dr. McDonald lives with his wife (an Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with SCPMG), three children and two dogs. He enjoys running riding his bike, cooking, coffee, and 8pm dance parties with his kids.
Alex McDonald, MD declares that in the past 12 months neither he nor his partner/spouse have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with one or more organizations that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this continuing education activity.
The California Academy of Family Physicians' (CAFP) Committee on Continuing Professional Development is responsible for identification, management and resolution of conflict for any individual who may have the potential to influence content, who have served as faculty, or who may produce CME/CPD content for the CAFP. Management/Resolution may include learner notification, peer review of content before presentation, requirement of EB-CME, changing topics, or even dismissing a potential planning or faculty member.
It is the policy of the CAFP to ensure independence, balance, objectivity, scientific rigor, and integrity in all their continuing education activities. All individuals with potential conflicts are contacted by CAFP staff or CCPD members, and issues of conflict have been discussed, managed, and resolved. All individuals with potential to influence the content of this program have submitted Conflict of Interest declarations that have been reviewed according to policy. All disclosures were made for work beginning January 1, 2020 and have been resubmitted and renewed annually. CAFP reviewed conflict of interest statements for each individual with potential to influence content and everyone in a position to influence content stated that neither he/she and/or his/her spouse/partner had any relevant financial interests to disclose.
This Enduring Material activity, COVID-19: The Big Three for Wellness, has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 0.25 Prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians. AAFP certification begins November 23, 2020. Term of approval is for one year from this date.
AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 credit™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. When applying for the AMA PRA, Prescribed credit earned must be reported as Prescribed, not as Category 1.
Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Available Credit
- 0.50 AAFP Prescribed